Along with writing in its many forms, Eric offers additional services that he has honed in his 25+ year career of helping companies and agencies find success through strategic and creative means:
Brainstorming (Parts 1 & 2). Many people and agencies have their own way to conduct creative brainstorms (from oversized sheets on the wall to colored stickers to checkmarks). That’s Part 1. Not saying it’s the easy part, but it’s just the first part. So when everyone leaves the room and idea after idea after idea left is behind, what happens next? Part 2. The harder part. You know — you’re left with many large sticky pads and scores of ideas, and three days to put a program together. Let’s work to build a killer plan (theme, strategy, concepts, the whole shebang).
Media/Presentation Training. I have the experience helping professionals prepare and practice for effective delivery, whether it’s for a variety of media opportunities or speaking in front of an audience.
Resume Writing/Editing. I have written effective resumes from scratch for people, and have “punched up” those of others so that their skills and personality jump off the page (especially in this age when computers take the first pass at resumes).
LinkedIn Profiles. If I had a quarter for every “I wished my profile was stronger,” well, I’d have a jar of change. As with resumes, I have worked with many at different career levels to ensure that their profiles were ones that immediately caught the attention and interest of hiring managers.